• Jagdalpur, CG.
  • generaldbsjdp@gmail.com
  • +91-9425590240

Our Mission

DBS Congregation Jagdalpur

Our Mission

By virtue of our missionary vocation we are called to share the prophetic mission of Jesus Christ. This mission prophesied by Isaiah (Is 61:1&2), realized in Jesus (Lk 4:18-19) and shared by us, is to:

By virtue of our missionary vocation we are called to share the prophetic mission of Jesus Christ. This mission  prophesied by Isaiah (Is 61:1&2), realized in Jesus (Lk 4:18-19) and shared by us, is to: 

  1.  i.  be filled with the Spirit of the Lord,         

      ii.    bring good news to the poor,

        iii. work for the release of the captives,           

        iv.   give sight to the blind

        v.    set at liberty the oppressed                          

       vi.   announce the year of the Lord’s favour.  


       (b)   We also share in the call of the apostles who were appointed by Jesus Christ, “to be with him,  to  be sent out to proclaim the message, and to have authority to cast out demons”(Mk.3: 14-15).

      (c)    Following the call of Jesus Christ who was always with his father we must:          

i) strive to be with him (Mk3:13) in constant prayer.

ii) trusting in his words go out to his people (Mt 28:18-20)

iii) to witness to him and to give his Good News to them through preaching and services like;

  1. Giving food to the hungry  
  2.  Promoting literacy among the illiterate 

c)   Healing the sick                   

(d)  Imparting guidance and counseling to the young

(e)  Animating and strengthening the Christian families in faith

(f)   Proclaiming liberty to the oppressed

(g)  Bringing the poor to all round development and social equality

(h)  Offering the Lords mercy and forgiveness to the sinners.

                     This is what we are called for and set apart in the Church (Gal 1:15-16; 2:10) as sisters of DBS in the loving plan and providence of God.